Burraton Community Primary School

Aspiration to Achieve,
Determination to Succeed



Burraton Area Resource (ARB) is a 20 placement provision for pupils aged 4 - 11 years, with severe and complex needs.

It is a valued and integral part of Burraton Community Primary School and, in line with all classes in the school, is named after a part of Cornwall so is known as Eden Class.  It has two main teaching groups, Ocean Room and Meadow Room.

Although the ARB has been a part of the school for 40 years, we were delighted to open our new purpose built provision in September 2020, offering a wonderful, calm and specialised environment. 


Mrs S Witt

Eden Class Teacher

Welcome to class Eden booklet

ARB Prospectus


Our Buddy Children with Bramble

Our Buddy Children with Bramble