Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Fund
The aim of the Pupil Premium Fund (PPF) is to reduce underlying inequalities for Looked After Pupils (LAC), those currently or previously entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) and pupils whose parents are in the Services (see service premium, below).
The school implements many strategies to support pupil’s needs. All pupils benefit from various support strategies.
Pupil Premium Fund (PPF) is funded according to the number of pupils in the following categories:
- Free School Meals
- Ever 6 (A pupil who is not currently eligible for free school meals but has qualified for FSM at any time in the last 6 years.)
- CIC (pupils in care of the local authority for one day or more)
- Pupils who have left LA care because of adoption, special guardianship, child arrangement order or a residence order
- Pupils of service personnel – see belowThe service premium is extra funding for schools to support pupils with parents in the armed forces.
Pupils attract the premium if they meet the following criteria:
- Service Premium
- one of their parents is serving in the regular armed forces
- they have been registered as a ‘service child’ since 2012
- one of their parents died while serving in the armed forces and the pupil receives a pension under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) or the War Pensions Scheme (WPS)
The governors at Burraton C.P. School recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for FSM. The governors reserve the right to allocate the PPF to support any pupil or group of pupils that the school has legitimately recognised as being socially disadvantaged. We do, in addition, support the funding of many interventions /support programmes from the school’s main budget from which all pupils benefit. It is also worth noting that many pupils who qualify for the PPF fall into more than one vulnerable group. Therefore, our pupils may benefit from a range of provision to meet their needs.
The School’s Use of Additional Funding
Pupil Premium Funding is used to help raise academic achievement as well as improve social skills, wellbeing and mental health. As a school, we use the funding for various interventions and activities that help to promote emotional, social and behavioural wellbeing as well as academic progress. Implemented strategies may vary from year to year depending upon the needs of our pupils, but may include:
- Access to school trips and extracurricular activities.
- The purchase of resources, including books to promote reading and to fund other opportunities to boost learning.
- Additional individual or small group support programmes for those pupils who need a boost to their learning in order to reach their potential; for example small supportive groups for English or Maths
- The work of a Learning Mentor to support pupils to overcome barriers to learning.
- Provision of extra classroom resources, including Read, Write Inc and Fresh start materials which support the attainment of identified pupils.
- Sessions with the school’s Parent Support Advisor to support pupils and parents as appropriate.
- Heroes Service families group – HMS Heroes
- Extra support from the Learning Mentor to support their organisational, education and social needs.
- Extra Learning Support Assistants for small group support where applicable.
- Additional support in school aimed at raising a child or young person’s self esteem and confidence through strategies such as Thrive, R-Time and social groups
- The provision of individual learning systems to support specific learning difficulties in English and Maths
- Additional intensive reading support.
- Training for teachers and teaching assistants to promote inclusive classrooms.
- Training for teachers and teaching assistants to improve teaching and learning strategies, including pupil feedback.
- Additional teaching time for boostering and closing the gap purposes
Monitoring of Provision and Impact
Every teacher identifies the needs of all pupils in their class. In consultation with the learning mentor, the relevant support is put into place. The class teacher, Head Teacher and the learning mentor monitor the pupil’s progress to ensure the provision successfully meets the pupil’s needs.