Burraton Community Primary School

Aspiration to Achieve,
Determination to Succeed


Personal, Social, Health and Economic 

PSHE education is a subject that helps our children learn how to stay healthy and safe, and also helps prepare them for life – and work – in modern Britain. We believe that our high quality PSHE provision supports our children in developing positive relationships with one another and with adults, and helps them to achieve well academically.

PSHE stands for personal, social, health and economic; the ‘E’ covers economic wellbeing and, for older children, careers   – vital parts of the subject that we ensure are experienced at Burraton.

In 2020, Relationships Education became compulsory; as part of our offer within this area of learning, our Governors continue their long-standing commitment to deliver Sex Education to our children in an age appropriate manner.


Burraton Personal, Social, Health & Economic 3Is Statement

Burraton Personal, Social, Health & Economic Progression

Burraton Personal, Social, Health & Economic - Subject on a Page

Burraton Personal, Social, Health & Economic Intent

Burraton Personal, Social, Health & Economic Action Plan

Burraton Personal, Social, Health and Economic Governor Presentation



Please click below to watch our PSHE video
