Burraton Community Primary School

Aspiration to Achieve,
Determination to Succeed



Reading is defined as the complex cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning.  Reading is a means for language acquisitions, communications and sharing information and ideas.  Reading is a complex interaction between text and reader, shaped by the reader's prior knowledge, experiences, attitudes and the language community - which is both culturally and socially situated.

Why reading is integral to the wider curriculum in schools:

Research has shown that:

  • 1 in 8 children do not own a book at home
  • By the time children reach EYFS, they can already have a vocabulary that is in deficit by 30 millions words (Hart and Risely, 1995)
  • 90% of vocabulary is encountered in academic reading (Stanovich, 1993)
  • Knowledge is the strongest predictor of success at secondary school (Hirsch, 2018)
  • It is highly unlikely that disadvantaged children will ever catch up at secondary school (Fisher et al, 2011)
  • Background knowledge is a stronger predictor of comprehension than generic strategies


At Burraton CP School, we believe that language acquisition sits at the heart of our reading curriculum which in turn enables the children in our care to gain the powerful knolwedge that they need to become fluent readers, who have a clear understanding of what they read.  Alongside, this, we also teach the skills of being a reader and aim to instill in our children a life-long love of reading. 


Boom Reader is our new reading record system, please see below introduction slides and a parent start up guide.

Boom Reader Parents Introduction Slides  Boom Reader Parent Quick Setup Guide

Vipers Reading Progression

Reading skills sessions focus on developing children's fluency and comprehension skills through the provision of engaging texts that will resonate with their interests and capture their imagination. Carefully formulated questions based around VIPERS (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explaining, Retrieval, Sequence/Summarise) allow for children to develop their comprehension skills at an appropriate level.

Vipers Reading Progression Years 1 - 6

 Teaching our Children to Read



 Seven Aspects of ReadingAccelerated ReadingRead Write IncBurraton Reading ProgressionBurraton Reading - Subject on a PageBurraton Poetry ProgressionBurraton Question Stems for Comprehension Take a look at our 100 Books Challenge page

Burraton Reading Impact, Intent, Implementation


Our Staff Love to Read


Staff Reading Gallery (ID 1202)

  • Mrs Tamblyn
    Head Teacher
  • Mr Woolner
    Deputy Head (Year 2 Teacher)
  • Mrs Carvell
    Assistant Head (EYFS Teacher)
  • Mrs Mallin
    Assistant Head Teacher (Year 5 teacher)
  • Mr German
    School Business Manager
  • Mrs Mansfield
    Senior School Secretary/Clerk to Governors
  • Mrs Jones
    Office Assistant
  • Miss A Dunbar
    Office Apprentice
  • Mrs McLaughlin
    Nursery Manager
  • Miss Lewis
    Deputy Nursery Manager
  • Mrs Hatchell
    Lunchtime Supervisor (Nursery)
  • Mrs Carvell
    Head of EYFS
  • Miss Prideaux
    EYFS Teacher
  • Mrs Beaufils
    Learning Support Assistant (EYFS)
  • Miss S Harris
    Learning Support Assistant (EYFS)
  • Miss Burnard
    Teacher (Year 1)
  • Miss Curtis
    Teacher (Year 1)
  • Mrs Price
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Gingell
    Teacher (Year 2)
  • Miss Timmins,
    Learning Support Assistant,
  • Mrs Butson
    Teacher (Year 3)
  • Mrs Urro
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Mrs Hobbs
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Mrs Grant
  • Miss Congdon
    Teacher (Year 4)
  • Mrs Mallin
    Teacher (Year 5)
  • Miss Mullan
    Class Teacher (Year 5)
  • Miss Heath
    Class Teacher (Year 6)
  • Mr Avey
    Teacher (Year 6)
  • Mrs Witt
    Teacher (EDEN)
  • Mrs Croucher
  • Mrs Scales
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Mrs Jones
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Mrs Bellis
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Matthews
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Mrs Slattery
    Learning Support Assistant
  • Mrs Olan
    B4&L8R Manager
  • Mr Chew
    B4&L8R Assistant
  • Mrs Standlick
    Head Cleaner
  • Mrs Harper
  • Mr Worcester
  • Mrs Hallett
  • Miss Price
    Lunchtime Supervisor
  • Mrs Langmead
  • Mrs Maclean
    Assistant SENDCo
  • Mrs Langley
    Parent Support Advisor
  • Mrs Davies
    SEND Administration
  • Ms Small
    Class Teacher
  • Mrs Acford
    Parent Governor


 Learning to Read and Reading to Learn

Even before our youngest children start school, our new parents will hear the word 'Phonics'.  Phonics is a way of teaching children to read and write.  Skilled word reading involves both the speedy working oujt of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words.  Underpinning both is the understanding that the letters on the page repreent the sounds in spoken words.

Phonics is therefore emphasised in the early teaching of reading.  At Burraton, children engage with our phonics programme, Read, Write Inc (RWI), a proven synthetic phonics programme, upon entry to the school.  This is continued throughout Key Stage One through daily phonics sessions which develop children's understanding of key graphemes and letter sequences, as well as their ability to recognise common exception words which are not phonetically decodable.  We know this is an incredibly exciting time for children as the more accurate and fluent they become, the more likely they are to enjoy reading and sharing this experience with others.

By the end of Year 1, most of our children have graduated from the RWI programme and then continue their jouney of developing accurace and fluency as readers as they progress through the school. In Year 2 through to Year 6, the teaching of reading at Burraton CP School follows a reading skills approach consisting of at least three 45-minute lessons each week.  These lessons allow children to explore a range of texts through a range of mediums and focus discretely teaching the key skills that children require to be effective readers.

As children develop the ability to read with accurace, fluency and confidence, they are provided with opportunities to use, and further develop, these skills in the wider curriculum.

Reading for Pleasure

At Burraton CP School, we want to build a culture of reading for enjoyment that will last a lifetime.  We aim to empower children to explore a multitude of authors and genres that allow them to be transported back in time, to different words, to somewhere beyond their imaginations, to develop their ever-growing curiosities.

Burraton CP School uses a range of methods and strategies to create a positive ethos and buzz of excitement around reading.  We believe that all adults who work at Burraton CP School should be reading role models - adults regularly engage in book talk with the children and share their favourite books, authors and illustrators (both as children and as adults).  In addition to this, class novels are shared with every class daily; children, no matter what their age, are entitled to the enjoyment of being read 'to', not just being read 'with'.  In addition to this, we periodically provide 'Burraton Bedtime Stories' on our school Facebook page, so our children can listen to their school adults reading, even when we are not in school. 

We make use of high-quality online reading provisions, including Bug Club and Accelerated Reader, where children can earn badges as part of a Reading Reward scheme.  Through these schemes, children are encouraged to read regularly at home with others and achievements are celebrated across the school, both in assemblies and through display boards.

Our environment at Burraton CP School is designed to reflect our passion about reading; visitors to school will quickly notice our reading rich environments, in our shared spaces, KS1 and KS2 libraries, and individual classrooms.  We believe that children can be fully immersed in other worlds when reading an engaging book and our reading corders reflect this: children can cuddle up with a book in the middle of the Greek Parthenon or even end up under the sea surrounded by an array of jewel-coloured fish!

Please see our 'Seven Aspects of Reading' document and watch our school videos to find out more about Burraton's reading opportunities!


Stories to listen to...



Please find below a video containing information for parents on 10 things to think about when reading to your children.